About this website
About this website

Here, you will find some of my thoughts about physics, studying physics, and life at university.

From the students
From the students

“From working with Clément, taking smaller steps gradually had a big overall impact. Aiming for lots of smaller, attainable goals such as reading every night and creating a check list for the day helped me be in the mindset of creating a routine for success. Following this, my average year grade increased by 10 points.”
– Oliver Cridge, former student University of York

From the students
From the students

“I have always struggled with maintaining focus and meeting deadlines without the quality of my work suffering. Clément helped me to break these tasks down into smaller, more manageable chunks and to build habits over the previous academic year that have greatly increase my productivity and will stay with me for years to come.”
– Charlie King, student at the University of York

About me
About me

I am Clément, associate lecturer in physics at the University of York. I love physics, I love thinking about the small and big challenges we, as humans, necessary go through, and I am passionate about helping students reach their potential all the while enjoying life at University.

The art of learning physics

Idea 5 – Use your imagination
I believe that the main difference between reading about physics and reading good fiction is that the work of fiction somehow helps you create a mental image of what is described. The presence of this mental image is what allows subsequent information to land, as the mental image expands and gets refined. Mental images could help when studying physics too.
Read "Idea 5 – Use your imagination"
Idea 4 – Rereading lecture notes?
Do not reread lecture notes. Retrieve them as if you were trying to explain things in a few minutes to a panicking classmate before an exam.
Read "Idea 4 – Rereading lecture notes?"
Idea 3 – Listen to what formulas are telling you
Formulas are beautiful relationships between physical things and spending time with them can be a pleasant and deep experience. If you pay attention.
Read "Idea 3 – Listen to what formulas are telling you"


Hi, I am Clément, early-career physicist. I teach physics at the University of York, study to obtain my Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, and when my glorious little daughter is in bed, I read books.